A blog is a frequently updated webpage with information or opinion. ERSA Blog posts are published regularly with the most recent at the top.
When writing for the ERSA blog have a think about the following;
- Use a catchy opening sentence or title that might include frequently searched terms. It can also help add structure to your blog post, if you return to your original thought/ theme at the end.
- Be personal, give information and your opinion. This is a blog from you and can include what you and your organisation thinks. We will add a disclaimer to the blog.
- Don’t be afraid to challenge readers. A blog can be a great way of starting a debate and controversy can make for an interesting read.
- Keep it short. 300 – 600 words for an average blog.
- Don’t use jargon or acronyms without an explanation. The ERSA blog will be read by those outside of the industry.
- Write about what you know. If your organisations in expert in self-employment then share some of your expertise.
- Link to further information. If you are highlighting the key findings from a piece of research, link to the whole research for those who want to read further.
- Help us to promote it. A blog is a great tool to get your thoughts out there but we need help to get it seen. Please help by emailing/ tweeting/ facebooking/posting on linkedin with it.
Some guides to blogging, which may be if interest, can be found here: