Resmiye started her journey on Wise Steps back in December 2019 when came to ICOS for support as she wanted to open her own business but needed help with developing her idea further. Resmiye was a marbling artist back in Turkey but in the UK, she wanted to peruse a career in baking and dessert creation as it is something she really enjoyed doing and she felt very inspired by developing her baking skills.
Resmiye has completed a level 2 food safety certificate for catering in February and received help from ABC in creating a business plan, she has decided that before opening her own business, she would like to learn English language to a better standard, she has been attending English lessons with ICOS, JET and studying ESOL at college, her English language skills have already improved a lot along with her confidence.
The next step for Resmiye will be doing functional skills and when she feels confident enough, she will be opening her baking business as planned.
You can have a look at Resmiye’s amazing cakes and desserts on her Instagram page @marbling_cakes_uk.