SE and LE (a couple from Turkey) have come to ICOS for support after they have recently received their refugee status; they have started their journey with Wise Steps Programme in February 2020.
In their home country (Turkey) they have both worked as teachers and they expressed how much they would love to continue working as teachers or teaching assistants in the UK but first they needed to improve their English language skills. They both have been referred to JET for ESOL classes and also started participating in English classes through ICOS. SE also has been referred for Functional Skills with Wise Steps tutor Team and both have been referred to changing lives for support with finding volunteering opportunities which would improve their language skills and experience.
In September 2020, ICOS has purchased a tablet for the couple as they had limited access to a digital device and now, they can access their online English classes, take part in any online courses, look for volunteering opportunities, access any online services and it will also help them with their further education and development of their English language skills. They are both grateful for the support received from ICOS and Wise Steps Programme, they continue to develop their skills further and when they feel confident enough with their language, they will be ready to go into job searching or further education to reach their goal.