A disability confident employer, Ideal for All engages with disabled people, many facing considerable barriers to attaining paid employment. More than 80% of its own workforce is disabled, managing long-term conditions or mental health issues.
Part of the organisation’s success relies on collaborative partnerships with local employers that enable them to develop fruitful projects. The Growing Opportunities programme combines specialist employability functions with therapeutic horticultural provision to help disabled and disadvantaged people that are less likely to access mainstream delivery. Many lack relevant interview and work experience as well as having low self-esteem.
Based at three purpose-built garden sites across seven acres of former derelict land, the green initiatives are an inspiring blend of education, training and support to encourage participants’ ambitions.
A further initiative – the City Deal ‘Working Together’ – was supported by 38 employers. It engaged with 2,865 participants and 392 gained sustained employment with 82% recording increased skills.
One of the participants attending the City Deal project was Sophie who has autism and faced feelings of anxiety. She had little work experience and had problems communicating with others and building social relationships. After two months of regular contact, she felt able to join in and started to attend a job club, garden sessions, and coffee and chat groups that gradually built up her confidence. Sophie was eventually able to attend retail customer service training, and a six week therapeutic gardening course, eventually becoming the overall winner of the City Deal Excellence Award. With further support from Ideal for All, Sophie found employment in the care sector.