National Employability Day with Social Enterprise Kent (SEK) #WeFillVacancies #EmpDay22
Date: Friday 17th June 2022
Time: 10am – 3pm
Location: One Job Centre in each of the following areas: Thanet, Ashford, Folkestone, Dover, Canterbury
Event theme: 136 People in 136 Days. The current SEK employability projects are now in their final year of working with participants. We want to make sure this last year is the best yet and that we reach out to as many people possible who would benefit from our support. SEK specialises in supporting people with complex barriers to move closer to and into the labour market. Whilst we do CVs, cover letters, applications, interviews techniques, skills analysis etc. Our main focus has always been to empower people through building confidence, skills and knowledge, to provide a deeper level of understanding of how to access and stay in work. The core of our work is to enable people to develop strategies to overcoming their specific barriers, even if these are seemingly unrelated to employment. This holistic approach enables people to open doors that may have been closed to them for many years.
Why choose SEK?
- In person 1:1 support in the community
- Proven track record of engaging with people who are economically inactive and job seekers who need extra help
- 61% conversion rate into an outcome (employment, training or job search from EI)
- 97% of participants reporting they had made steps towards employment
- Creation and successful delivery of Re-Entry Anxiety programme in response to the pandemic
- Specific support for people from the following marginalised groups:
- Disabilities and health conditions
- Aged 50+
- Aged 16, 17 early 18 who have dropped out of education/training
- Ethnic minority communities
On National Employability Day we will be offering taster sessions of what people will cover when they register on any SEK employability project. This will include the following:
- CV Reviews
- Interview prep
- Skills analysis
- Re-entry anxiety support
**Incentive** All participants who sign up with us on National Employability Day, engage with a SEK project and complete the programme, will receive a £20 One4All Voucher.