ERSA Membership – Are you making the most of your membership?

ERSA is the trade membership body campaigning for high quality services for the UK’s jobseekers and low earners. ERSA member organisations deliver services to jobseekers and learners across the UK. ERSA supports them through a wide mix of policy support, representation and services.

ERSA Membership Directory
Please check your organisation is listed on the membership directory here.
Action for members: Please check we have the correct name, logo and URL associated with your organisation. Email changes or queries to us at

Membership Certificate and Number 
A membership certificate will be made available to you once you make payment, along with a logo for inclusion on your website. You can email the team for a copy of this.

Book now for the ERSA Conference 2022 on 30 November – 1 December (central Birmingham). Sponsorship, exhibition, networking and speaker opportunities – book your place(s) now

The ERSA Employability Awards will take place on the evening of 30 November at the same venue. Awards are open until 3 October – full details here

Coming soon

The ERSA Membership Survey 2022 – there’s still a chance to have your say
Take 10 minutes to complete or email the team to provide feedback. 

Thank you to those that completed the membership survey, the ERSA Board of Directors met recently for a strategy day, feedback submitted already was shared and included in priority setting. Members were really keen on ERSA hosting more local events – hence the ERSA Regional events for starters. There’s more to come.


ERSA Renewal
Find your previous 12 months of turnover, and check which category applies here and let us know if your current subscription band needs adjusting.

    • full membership relates only to turnover of employment support services
    • associate membership is your total turnover from all sources

Read more via and follow and mention us on LinkedIn

Unlimited access to events and mailings

If you’d like to add more contacts, you can either send email addresses to for adding, or use the below to send to your internal teams. You can also request a list of current email addresses we have on file.

We’re ERSA members, sign up directly to receive ERSA and Employment Support Alerts or email the ERSA membership team via

For the latest on demand content, events, job vacancies and funding alerts get social with ERSA.

Read latest releases, blogs and case studies on the ERSA website here.

Subscribe to ERSA’s YouTube Channel herefollow us on twitter here and Linkedin here

Follow ERSA Events via to be notified when events are open for registration.

Want to feature in a future bulletin, or on ERSA’s website?
Please get in touch with the team or check out ERSA’s Opportunities Hub here

If you have any questions, please get in touch.

Contact the ERSA team
For membership queries, content for the website, bulletins and social media
For all policy matters and agenda items for events
Event queries
For anything relating to financial arrangements