As of today, England has moved to Step 4 of the Roadmap out of COVID-19 legal restrictions.

Extra support deployed in areas receiving an enhanced response to COVID-19, support is currently available to the following local authorities:

For the full guidance, and additional local area’s COVID-19 information and advice, to understand what it means for you if you fall into one of the above areas, see here

Coronavirus in Scotland

Scotland uses a level system and is in Level 0. Find out what you can do at Level 0.

You should:

Read more

Coronavirus in Wales


From Saturday 17 July

Complete the move to alert level 1:

Guidance and services

From Saturday 7 August (if conditions allow)

Complete the move to alert level 0:

Read more

Coronavirus in Northern Ireland

The current regulations are available on the Department of Health website:

Some of the restrictions are law through regulation, while others are guidance. 

Everyone is legally required to comply with the regulations.

If you fail to comply with the regulations without reasonable excuse, you are committing an offence. For some offences you may be given a fixed penalty or a fine on summary prosecution.

This page is an overview of what you can and cannot do. It is not a definitive statement of the law and should not be relied upon as such.

A guide to what you can do

The restrictions apply to everyone in Northern Ireland. A summary guide is available at:

Indicative date

An indicative date of 26 July has been set to allow up to 10 people from no more than three households to meet in a private dwelling and stay overnight. Children aged 12 and under are not counted in the total.

If a single household has 10 members, the maximum is increased to 15 from no more than three households.

The indicative date of 26 July is subject to review on 22 July.