Latest info and updates on CAEHRS can be found at

CAEHRS is a framework facility designed to facilitate the provision of employment and health related services to the government and other contracting bodies across England, Wales and Scotland. It will run for a maximum of five years with a ceiling value of up to £7.5 billion.

The framework will cover England, Scotland, and Wales and it will be split into seven contracting lots. This can be broken down further as necessary to contract in smaller areas.

The framework approach formalises a list of suppliers that DWP (and other contracting authorities) can contract with for future call-offs. These suppliers will meet DWP’s minimum standards, including financial viability, and will have the quality and capability to deliver our future requirements.

The OJEU notice was published along with all the Invitation to Tender documentation, which includes the instructions to bidders and Specification.

The Projects can all be found on Jaggaer with the following project codes:
Overarching ITT: Itt_21472
Lot 1 (Central England): Itt_21471
Lot 2 (North East England): Itt_21474
Lot 3 (North West England): Itt_21475
Lot 4 (Southern England): Itt_21476
Lot 5 (London and the Home Counties): Itt_21477
Lot 6 (Wales): Itt_21478
Lot 7 (Scotland): Itt_21479
The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), has launched a new Commercial Agreement for Employment and Health Related Services (CAEHRS). This new framework will be replacing the existing Umbrella Agreement which is due to expire in January 2021. CAEHRS will be the primary vehicle through which the Department will contract with the market from Employment services for the next 5 years. The Agreement has been given a preliminary indicative value of £7.5bn for those 5 years. CAEHRS is a framework which is designed to facilitate the provision of Employment and Health related services to the government and other contracting bodies across England, Wales and Scotland. It will run for a maximum of 5 years with a value of £7.5bn.
The DWP held two webinars on 24 and 25 June which provided detail about the agreement / procurement. Any organisations that missed those will be able to view the slides and speaker notes from those events alongside a Q&A log on the Jaggaer e-Procurement system. 
The DWP are also planning to hold a series of focus groups for organisations that are interested in bidding for a place on the CAEHRS, including a specific event for Scottish organisations to be held in conjunction with Scottish Government. Information will be released, confirming specific times and dates for these events in due course, ERSA will circulate those. #ff0000;”>Update as of 15 July: DWP/Scottish Government are yet to release further information on these focus groups. 
Please note, ERSA will continue to share details as they are known, however all organisations with an interest in CAERHS are urged to register through Bravo where you will find the most up to date information and Q&A log. All questions should be submitted via the system and also to indicate interest in taking part in the focus groups or bid for a place on the agreement. 

All of this information can be found the e-Procurement system Jaggaer, which is accessible through the link below. 
Link to register for the portal if you haven’t already

CAEHRS is not only available to the DWP but will enable future contracted provision to be called off by other contracting authorities including the Scottish Government, Local Authorities, Devolved Deal Areas, Local Government Partnerships, Other Government Departments and Arm’s Length Bodies.
DWP’s intended timetable for this procurement is as set out in the table below.  DWP reserves the right to amend the timetable. 

CAEHRS Contract Notice Published15/06/2020

ITT events Delivered by Webinar24/06/2020 & 25/06/2020

CAEHRS Documentation Issued29/06/2020

ITT went live (orignally due on 29 June)03/07/2020

Q&A – Set up and run an online/electronic Q&A facility29/06/2020 – 22/07/2020

Final date for publication of Q&A24/07/2020

ITT Response submitted03/08/2020 10am

Standstill Period and CAEHRS Award21/08/2020 – 30/08/2020

 Next steps