UPDATE MONDAY 14 SEPTEMBER: Expression of Interest for Potential Intermediaries

The DWP will be publishing a list of organisations who are interested in supporting small and medium size businesses and charities who have fewer than 30 jobs to offer is planned. The list can be used by this group of employers to find suitable intermediary organisations who can support their application. 

If you are interested in participating as an intermediary, and are happy for the DWP to publish your contact details online, please return this completed form to kickstart.interest@dwp.gov.uk by 4pm on 16 September 2020. 

Access the Expression of Interest here (closed)


UPDATE: Kickstart collaborations at a local level

ERSA has been asked to build local Kickstart partnerships by collating interest at a local level and facilitating introductions. In order to do this we need you to send us the details of which Jobcentres you would cover, and whether you want to be an Intermediary, a Kickstart employer and/or provide employment support to Kickstart participants.

More information on how to get involved is here https://ersa.org.uk/kickstartlocal

UPDATE MONDAY 7 SEPTEMBER: The intermediary process has evolved slightly since Friday and it is now possible for organisations to bid if  you have thirty jobs over the lifetime of the scheme. So you might put in a bid for five but outline another 25 jobs for the future. This would then count as thirty making it possible for you to act as an intermediary.

UPDATE TUESDAY 8 SEPTEMBER: Q&A log and other resources via dropbox

Thank you for those of you that joined us on at the virtual roundtable on Friday 4 September. Please note, there are no accompanying slides but further information is included below. If you have additional questions that have are still unanswered and would like to field those through ERSA, please send them to us at events@ersa.org.uk.

Watch/listen again here

Please subscribe to ERSA’s YouTube channel for other content via https://bitly.com/ERSAYouTube 

Please complete ERSA Partnerships survey here https://ersa.org.uk/partnerships to join in future collaboration and community response. We will gauge interest and share the link to the virtual meeting via the contacts signed up here. 

SAVE THE DATE: The next Kickstart meeting will take place on 29 September, 2-5pm.

Register your attendance at the Kickstart Forum here https://ersakickstart.eventbrite.com 

Discussion points:

1. Preparing young people for Kickstart, existing provision and what else is needed

2. Creating Kickstart job opportunities, local and national initiatives

3. The role of intermediaries providing wrap around support

4. Employer engagement for progression to a sustained job

5. How Kickstart fits with other provisions (WHP, JETS, IPES, BBO etc)

6. Ensuring there is no displacement of jobs, community benefit

7. Who else should the employment support sector be working with

8. A Kickstart conference – confirming the date.

Register your attendance at the Kickstart Forum here https://ersakickstart.eventbrite.com 

The Kickstart Scheme opened this week, on 2 September and further information is below.

The DWP has produced A Guide for Employers and there is a page for young people on the jobhelp website here.
Key points:

If you are a representative applying on behalf of a group of employers, you can get £300 of funding to support associated admin costs. More information about being a representative is here

The Kickstart Scheme
The Kickstart Scheme is a £2 billion fund to create hundreds of thousands of high quality 6-month work placements for young people aged 16-24, who are claiming Universal Credit.
Employers of all sizes looking to create quality jobs for young people can apply. Through the scheme, all organisations across the private, public and voluntary sectors will be able to access a large pool of young people with potential, ready for an opportunity.
The Government will fully fund each ‘Kickstart’ job – paying 100% of the relevant National Minimum Wage for 25 hours a week, plus the associated employer National Insurance contributions and employer minimum automatic enrolment contributions. There will also be funding available to support young people to develop new skills and to help them move into sustained employment after they have completed their Kickstart Scheme funded job.

You can find further information on the Kickstart Scheme at www.gov.uk/kickstart.

Read our 8 core messages for the Kickstart Scheme