Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) has recently secured £10m from the European Social Fund (ESF) and is now looking to procure two lead organisations to deliver an innovative engagement and mentoring programme for young people aged 15-24 in Greater Manchester who are affected by missed education, and/or are disengaged from mainstream skills support offers, and/ or are not in employment or training.
The main aim of the programme is to mitigate the impacts on those young people most affected by the covid-19 pandemic, those who are experiencing disadvantage, and those who are not engaged with other provision, through a comprehensive engagement and transition offer that will enable these young people to successfully engage in a positive learning or work destination and develop the skills and confidence to continue into a sustainable career pathway.
- This programme will be procured as two separate lots of £5 million each – one focusing on young people aged 15-19 and one focusing on young people aged 18-24 years.
- Lead bidders responding to this opportunity will be able to bid for one lot only.
- We will be holding a Microsoft Teams Market Engagement Event on Monday 6 September (10.30am – 11.30am), where you can find out more about the two opportunities prior to their launch. This event is open to all providers.
- However, only providers who have successfully achieved a place on GMCA’s Education, Work & Skills Flexible Procurement System (FPS) AND have been approved to deliver projects for the above contract value and for the relevant sectors will be invited to bid as lead providers. Providers who are not on the FPS, or who are on the FPS but who do not meet these two requirements will NOT be invited to bid as lead providers.
- Mini competition documents and specifications will be issued via The Chest w/c 6 September 2021 to those suppliers on the FPS who have met the contract value and sector requirements. They will not be issued to all suppliers on the FPS.
- However, the nature of the commission means will be strongly encouraging collaboration in supply chains so we will also be hosting a Collaboration Workshop to help facilitate this. Providers (both lead and non-lead) who are interested in partnerships/sub-contracting should attend this workshop which will be held on Wednesday 8 September 2021 from 11.30am – 1pm. Each provider will have 2 minutes to introduce their organisation, provision, and what role they would be able to play in the supply chain. No slides will be allowed and the time limit will be strictly enforced.
Although the events will be recorded for reference purposes, we strongly advise that providers attend the events at their scheduled times in order to get the most benefit from them.
To register for the Market Engagement Event (Monday 6 September 2021) and / or the Collaboration Workshop (Wednesday 8 September 2021) please email before 12pm on Friday 3 September 2021. Please specify clearly whether you will be attending one or both events in your RSVP so that we can make sure you receive the relevant Microsoft Team links to join. These links will be sent by email, not as a calendar invitation, so you will need to block out the time in your own diaries.