Impetus share groundbreaking collection of reports investigating the link between education and employment outcomes.
Before COVID-19 hit, Impetus’ Youth Jobs Gap series had measured the gap in employment outcomes between young people from disadvantaged backgrounds and their better-off peers. The findings were stark – disadvantaged young people are twice as likely to not be in education, employment or training (NEET). COVID-19 will only exacerbate this gap.
At this time, when young people have been hardest hit in the labour market by the COVID-19 pandemic, this data offers a vital picture of the situation for young people who are NEET.
The findings have important implications for delivery organisations, funders, and policymakers.
- Finding 1: Young people with better qualifications are much less likely to be NEET (Not in Education, Employment, or Training)
- Finding 2: Young people from disadvantaged backgrounds are 50% more likely to be NEET than their similarly qualified but better-off peers
- Finding 3: The variation between different local authorities within a region are much bigger than the variation between different regions
- Finding 4: Three quarters of NEET young people have been NEET for at least 12 months
- Finding 5: LEO data enables us to measure the success of interventions
Read more about the findings and access the policy reports.
Read more and access the dashboards here