ERSA, the voice of employment support, is calling for survey responses from organisations delivering employability services across the UK.

ERSA is gathering information on:

 – The resilience of employment support organisations
 – What impact is Covid-19 having on your funding, staff teams?
 – What else could you deliver?
 – Are there regional variations in resistance?
 – Gathering key messages for government and commissioners

Liz Sewell, ERSA Board Member and Director of Belina GRoW said; 

‘As a specialist organisation I have just filled in the ERSA Survey for Belina GRoW because I want our Funders to have an accurate picture of what we are doing as a sector. We are are supporting people through lockdown and we need to be able to support people as we all come back out and into the world. Our participants will have extra needs and there will be more of them. Our funders need to know what we can offer and how they can support us to do that. This survey is our way of letting them know.’

Have your say by Thursday 16 April, 5pm

Please share the survey widely with your own supply chains, networks across all channels. 

Further information:

The survey will be open until 16 April 2020 at 5pm. Only one response per organisation. 

The Employment Related Services Association (ERSA) is the national membership body campaigning for high quality services for the UK’s jobseekers and low earners. Nearly 80 percent of our members are not for profit. We have charities, local authorities, housing associations, social enterprises, funding bodies and private sector organisations in membership. We exist to serve the sector and, through the sector, those who use their services. We strive to ensure that the sector has the knowledge, networks and voice to deliver great services to jobseekers and those looking to progress in work.

To find out how to join ERSA please contact the team via