We’re asking skills and employment providers across London to help us shape a new programme to better coordinate skills and employment provision, making sure we’re meeting the needs of Londoners and helping them on their journey to good work.
The No Wrong Door programme aims to foster greater integration in London’s skills and employment systems meaning that, no matter what their starting point or which service they access first, Londoners will be connected to the right type of support at the right time. The programme is coordinated and funded by the Greater London Authority (GLA) and supports the Mayor’s commitment to help Londoners into good work and build a better London for everyone.
How can I contribute?
As a provider of employment support and/or skills development, you will have an understanding of Londoners’ needs, and how well they are being met by current service provision. Through this short survey, sharing your professional views and experiences will help us to map out and identify opportunities for better collaboration and co-ordination to support key priority groups across London. The findings will contribute to shaping innovative solutions to better integrate London’s skills and employment provision systems. This includes integration hubs, a pilot project fund, and a new No Wrong Door model for providers.
It should take about 15 minutes to complete and is open until Friday 27th May 2022.
Survey link: https://tinyurl.com/NWDresponse
Please also share the survey with your colleagues and networks of employment support and skills providers. Thank you for taking the time to share your expertise in this survey. If you complete the survey, we would be happy to keep you up to date on the progress of our research, sharing learnings and new initiatives.