As part of ERSA’s work focussing on young people in the labour market, we are establishing how many employment support providers are co-locating in youth hubs, have the capacity to set youth hub or want matching with a local youth hub.

We’re asking people to fill out ERSA’s Youth Hub Survey. We want Youth Hubs to reach their full potential and support as many young people as they possibly can. However, we know that this won’t be possible without the help of employment support organisations throughout the UK. Please take some time to fill out the survey to help us understand what the Youth Hubs in your area are providing for young people and identify gaps in support.

You can access the survey here. Please feel free to forward on to other organisations you work with that support young people into employment and/or training.

Share the survey with your networks and delivery partners
Complete ERSA’s Youth Hub Survey here

The next ERSA Youth Hubs Forum is on Wednesday 7 September, 10am – 12pm
Thanks to the support of Youth Futures Foundation is open to all organisations delivering employment related services to young people and employers.

Register for this and other ERSA Events via or visit Youth Employment

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