Response to the UK Shared Prosperity Fund: Prospectus

ERSA welcomes the release of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund: prospectus and the added details that come with it. As first outlined in the pre-launch guidance, the fund will be split into three investment priorities (communities and place; supporting local business; and people and skills). The People and Skills priority is most relevant to ERSA […]

New research from Salvation Army shows ‘One in three deprived areas locked out of ‘Levelling Up’ funding’

The report, Understanding People, Understanding Places is the biggest social mapping exercise in The Salvation Army’s recent history. [1]  The findings show that while coastal and rural areas feature some of the highest levels of deprivation, these are also the areas most likely to miss out on Levelling Up investment.[2] The Salvation Army research analysed the local labour market in comprehensive detail and asked local people […]