Supporting NEET Young People into work
Supporting NEET Young People into work ERSA and the Education Development Trust are undertaking a research project about young people who are not in education, employment or training (NEET), with a particular emphasis on care experienced young people. Currently, 12.6% of people aged 18 to 24 are NEET, which amounts of around 675,000 people. Perhaps […]
New Social Tech Amplifier seeking ventures that offer tech solutions to help tackle youth unemployment
Catch22, Ufi VocTech Trust and the Social Tech Trust launch new amplifier in bid to improve employment prospects for young people The Social Tech Amplifier, launched today, is set to mobilise the power and energy of tech ventures in public service delivery to help young people access jobs and navigate the future of work. Delivered […]
Neurodiversity and transition for young people into the world of work
Please could you forward on to any school leavers you are in contact with to complete a short survey. This current research focuses on neurodiverse youth development and the transition for young people into the world of work. Start survey*: Survey Password: Monkey900d Contact details Researcher:- Gavin Hoole MA.ed SEND PGCE Email: Mobile: 07813375196 […]
Catch22 and Australian company Angus Knight launch joint venture to drive new approach to tackling unemployment
With unemployment levels in the UK set to soar as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, charity and social business Catch22 and Australian employment company Angus Knight have teamed up to create a new venture – Jobs22. Jobs22 will design programmes, using the experience of Catch22 and Angus Knight, to help those who face barriers […]