Supporting NEET Young People into work

Supporting NEET Young People into work  ERSA and the Education Development Trust are undertaking a research project about young people who are not in education, employment or training (NEET), with a particular emphasis on care experienced young people. Currently, 12.6% of people aged 18 to 24 are NEET, which amounts of around 675,000 people. Perhaps […]

Neurodiversity and transition for young people into the world of work

Please could you forward on to any school leavers you are in contact with to complete a short survey. This current research focuses on neurodiverse youth development and the transition for young people into the world of work. Start survey*: Survey Password: Monkey900d Contact details Researcher:- Gavin Hoole MA.ed SEND PGCE Email:  Mobile: 07813375196 […]