News Tag: UKSPF

The Employment Related Services Association (ERSA) has welcomed the lifting of a government restriction which will enable local authorities across England to allocate UK Shared Prosperity Fund money to people and skills support programmes from next month, April 2023. Previously

3SC/Twin online event: UK Shared Prosperity Fund – Getting your voice heard! 12 July, 11am – 12.30pm Register now for a joining link UKSPF – The current landscape, what has happened so far & what you can do now to

Staff at a nursing home in Blackpool have benefitted after completing a range of qualifications aimed at upskilling workforces. Three workers from New Victoria Nursing Home on Hornby Road have completed courses in Business Administration, delivered by local training providers

New research report funded by Sheffield Hallam University using Research England’s Enhancing Research Culture Fund. ‘ The Real Level of Unemployment 2022: The myth of full employment across Britain’. ERSA is delighted to be joined by Professor Steve Fothergill on

UK Shared Prosperity Fund Public engagement webinar – 22 June 2022, 2pm Plymouth City Council will be hosting a public engagement webinar on the UK Shared Prosperity Fund on 22 June 2022 at 2pm. This will be a virtual event

GWYNEDD Council are holding virtual sessions on June 8-9 to share information about the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and to gather feedback about local priorities. Local stakeholders in the public, private and third sectors are invited to attend the sessions.

1. Make yourself known to your local lead authority/authorities The full list of lead local authorities can be found here. The Investment Plan submission window is open from 30 June to 1 August 2022. This is when lead local authorities